What does it take to win large pieces of work?

At Safety & Leadership Dimensions, we work closely with companies in their tender process and often get asked to partner on large tenders as part of their winning tender team.

Here’s what we see makes a successful tender bid.

1.Know the evaluation criteria, and write to it.

Don’t just dump your corporate spiel into their template, take time to understand what they want and articulate why your experience, expertise and capabilities make you the best choice. Don’t skip answers. Work out the evaluation criteria, attend the pre briefings and write to what you see/hear. Never underestimate the value of case studies, testimonials, referees and staff bios which demonstrate your best work and, most importantly are relevant.

2. Make sure writing is clear.

No one assessing the tender has the time to read waffle – and that might be a sign to them you don’t really have the expertise you’re claiming. How specifically are you and your organisation going to add value? Make it easy for them to get the answers they need, in the language of the industry you’re pitching to. Ensure there is enough time for proof reading. Never underestimate how quickly your submission can hit the bin due to a typo!

3. Ensure your people are highly trained.

Training in WHS ensures your people have the knowledge to deliver on what you say you can do. WHS training gives construction companies a competitive edge when their people are trained and qualified resulting in fewer injuries, less work cover claims and a high reputation in the industry.

4. Have a dedicated presentation team.

Develop your best people into a polished presentation team with the confidence and expertise to nail the presentation once you’re shortlisted. Need to train up your in pitching? Know when to be short, sharp and impactful vs conversational, consultative and free form?

5. Innovate and add value.

What else can your team bring to the response over and above what they’ve asked for? How can you gain a competitive advantage by your organisation’s ability to innovate or add value to what they’ve asked for? What will make you stand out so you are seen as a credible and low-risk, yet exciting choice?

If you would like to partner with Safety or Leadership Dimensions to boost your bids, please contact us info@ldn.com.au or call 03 9510 0477