Industries We Work In
Enquire nowBecause Safety Dimensions enters into large commercial arrangements with international companies, we are bound by master contracts in which confidentiality clauses prohibit us from mentioning our client’s names in some cases. We apologise for this, however abiding by our agreements is essential; we are happy to provide statutory declarations as to the accuracy of our claims.
Find out more about our industry specific experience:

Safety Dimensions has delivered safety leadership and behavioural safety programs for several major international airlines across all levels, from ramp to airport staff, senior leaders to technical operations and aircraft maintenance.
Several Safety Dimensions facilitators and instructional designers have previously worked in the airline industry so have on the ground’ and in the air’ domain knowledge that they can apply from direct experience. Aviation is well known for its focus on pilot and passenger safety, best practice human factors performance and airlines doing what it takes to be a high reliability organisation (HRO). The challenge we find in aviation is the link between decision making and pressure for on time performance with every day safety and wellbeing practices.
What our clients say:
Our airline partnered with Safety Dimensions (SD) to deliver a Safety Leadership Program that equipped all staff in leadership roles to engage in i.L.E.A.D. conversations relating to at risk behaviours’. This involved over 2000 staff who are leaders from Senior Executives to Leadhands. SD trained our facilitators who co-facilitated with SD until they were competent and confident to facilitate. The SD facilitators were exceptional in positioning the team of our airlines facilitators to facilitate to a high standard. The workbooks that were developed and customised to individual business areas is a resource that we continue to use in the induction of new leaders.
This program has assisted our airline to continue to improve in its safety journey and has enabled the company to take the next step in achieving its vision of zero harm in the workplace.
GM Safety & Employee Wellbeing, Major international airline
The team quickly grasped the complexities of our business and their blending of both safety and leadership in the programme. They made the topic accessible to our target population – mid to senior managers. The aim was to increase awareness and ownership of safety on the journey to Destination Zero Harm. Louise Quinn was adept at selecting facilitators from her team that matched our culture and who created a stimulating learning environment where participants were willing to step outside their comfort zone to develop their skills and challenge their thinking.

For over 20 years, Safety Dimensions and its parent company Leadership Dimensions have been working with leaders in the banking and finance sector, from CEO and executive level, to branch managers, to data entry staff, extensively across Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. This is an industry we know intimately. We understand the unique situations, jargon and circumstances those in the banking and finance sector face.

Safety Dimensions has worked with 80% of Australasia’s Tier One construction companies
Our programs have been mapped to a practical, accredited Certificate IV program in Safety Leadership, and have been adapted to non-accredited programs. Over 8,600 construction industry professionals have undertaken our programs in the past two years. Safety Dimensions’ work in the construction industry has been integrated and branded internally by its clients as Passport to Safety Excellence’, Pulse’, Safety Leadership Foundations’ and LEAD the Way’ programs.
We have worked with construction companies on programs and interventions covering:
- Managing WHS under the WHS regulatory framework
- Increasing the safety leadership knowledge and capability of leaders, from executive level to the frontline
- Provision of practical skills that can be applied to hazard and risk management, with particular focus on high-risk work
- Programs aimed at providing tangible, practical strategies for managing contractors from procurement through to site
- Executive level due diligence and WHS strategy workshops
- ‘Safety in Design’ facilitated sessions
- Organisation-wide safety culture surveys aimed at providing a clear and accurate picture of the current safety culture and then using the results to build targeted, long term cultural change programs.
Read how Downer integrate
BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management to achieve
Leadership Excellence at Downer (LEaD) >>
What our clients say:
Thanks to the assistance of Safety Dimensions in helping us build a culture of behavioural safety leadership on our project. As a project, we have focused our efforts on developing safety leaders at all levels. It is very rewarding that this effort has been recognised by industry
Kylie Jarrard, HR & Training Advisor, BMD Seymour Whyte Joint Venture
The BMD Seymour Whyte Joint Venture, delivering the Port of Brisbane Motorway upgrade, won the 2012 Industry Leaders and Training award for outstanding commitment to training.
This is simply the best program I have ever attended
Alliance Manager/Project Director
The facilitators of this program know how to get all involved, who then develop their own personal commitment plan.
Executive, Tier One Construction Group
I felt it appropriate to provide you feedback from the above course that I attended recently. Over the years I have participated in more than my fair share of training events but this sits high up within the top 3, ever. Thank you for offering me the opportunity to attend.
Written by a program participant, Thiess Pty Ltd

Councils are increasingly becoming aware of the need for leaders to perform safely due to their responsibility for contractors and employees alike. With a myriad of roles to manage including solo/mobile workers, healthcare and day care professionals, school crossing attendants, construction and maintenance workers, in addition to office-based staff, this diversity still requires advanced safety leadership for physical and psychological safety issues. Given this, Safety Dimensions aligns safety with the strategic plans and other HR strategies which result in sustainable safety outcomes.

For many years Safety Dimensions has specialised in working with power, telecommunications and energy companies. The energy and services industry has been a well established leader in ensuring safety is part of their business and has invested heavily to ensure all tasks are managed safely. Despite all of the efforts, many groups turn to Safety Dimensions once the LTI graph starts to plateau or they need the next wave of best practice thinking.
Results show that once we worked with them, several organisations in this industry discovered what they assumed was happening was not actually being implemented and they found the reasons why.
Safety Dimensions uses processes to uncover current issues and encourages each leader to discover what they can do about it – in ways that are fresh, new and easy to apply. This approach has earned us preferred supplier’ status with many energy and services groups.

For the past eight years, Safety Dimensions has worked on some of Australia and New Zealand’s largest infrastructure projects. We incorporate frameworks used by Agencies and the APSC’s Integrated Leadership System (ILS) as key to our programs.
Directly and via subcontracting arrangements, State and Federal Government departments regularly engage us to deliver the outcome of a sustainable safety framework that extends beyond the life of the project.
One of our largest government clients worked with us to implement and evaluate a program for over 4,000 leaders, designed to change the safety mindset, skill set and confidence to create a safer workplace for office-based and site-based staff and contractors. This four year project successfully concluded in December 2011.
We have worked on:
- Multi company (JVs/Alliances) road/bridge/pre-cast projects
- Desalination/water plants
- LNG construction
- Hospitals
- Transport infrastructure at all levels
What our clients say:
Our clients include:

One of the first clients of our parent company over 19 years ago was a large and well known hospital group, with all the usual budget, people and patient issues. An in depth understanding of the healthcare industry allowed us to overlay our behavioural safety expertise to this high risk industry.
A unique aspect of this industry is the desire to please and care for the patient, in addition to getting tasks done efficiently – this is a mixture destined for injury. Over-worked administrators and leaders are often trapped behind bureaucracy and reports, and whilst everyone wants their teams to be safe, leaders often feel powerless to make the changes needed.
The approach Safety Dimensions takes allows current realities to be considered whilst asking the question: What else can be done? Empowering individuals to solve their own problems and finding constructive ways to connect with managers on what can be done to improve patient and health care workers’ quality of life is the key: moving from reaction to prevention.

Safety Dimensions (as its parent company Learning Dimensions Network) first began working with Australasia’s largest food manufacturer Goodman Fielder in the area of behavioural safety within the manufacturing industry in 2003.
Since that time, our success in this industry has been established due to our belief that each part of a manufacturing group often requires a different approach – from office, to floor, to supply, to customer support. Whilst often more time is spent in the design and customisation phase (one client’s programs required tailoring for 14 divisions to ensure match of examples and issues they face), it results in a relevant program with skills that will work for each division: something critical to any success.
Safety Dimensions understands this industry and aligns our programs with legislation, whilst creating the mind sets and the skill sets required for a healthy and safe workplace.
Participants comment that by the end of the program the skills can be used in every part of the business. Participants often comment on the specific industry knowledge our manufacturing’ facilitators bring to the programs they run.
What our clients say:
Senior Leader – global manufacturing company
I have worked with Safety Dimensions and Leadership Dimensions many times over the last 12 years and have always seen the benefit they bring to organisations. Key results include: the ability to help senior leaders understand their current business’ culture, verbalise their desired state, and then decide the desired behaviours to get that end state are second to none. As a leader myself this approach has helped me in my own development as every conversation is a coaching moment – I’m a far better safety professional for having worked them.
Read more about our work with Ducab in Dubai
Ducab – When Enhancing Safety Culture Heats Up

The Australian Mining, Resources and Energy sector is well known to have a unique culture and way of working; with operations spread across large geographical areas, high risk work, large FIFO workforce and volatile market conditions, the Mining, Resources and Energy sector faces many challenges in effectively managing risk across their businesses.
Our focus in the mining industry first began in 2009, and since that time we have worked primarily within Western Australia and the ever-expanding Bowen Basin in Queensland, in addition to key projects in the Hunter Valley and the Latrobe Valley. Over the many years in this industry, we have worked with specialist Mining Services Groups and directly with power companies, coal mining operations and international companies with large divisions specialising in the mining industry.
Our focus is to change the way safety is performed and led, to achieve sustainable safety outcomes via behavioural and risk management training: training that is tailored for each project’s desired culture. Every group walks away inspired to lead and behave safer, and with tangible strategies on what to do given their new understanding of what is expected.
Outcomes of the programs are that workers:
- Follow the rules consistently
- Be involved in toolbox and pre-start meetings
- Speak up and report close calls/near misses and high potential incidents
- Create better ways of doing tasks that have been done that way for years
- Talk to their peers/mates and influence up
- Be mindful and risk aware at all times – including on and off the job (24/7)
Safety Dimensions understand these challenges and the unique culture of the industry, and have extensive experience partnering with organisations in the Mining, Resources and Energy sector. Our experience includes partnering with all levels of business operations; from exploration, mining, processing through to transport, labour & plant hire, we understand the end-to-end dynamic nature of the industry and specialise in the design and implementation of Safety Leadership, Behavioural Based Safety and Cultural Change initiatives that deliver long term cultural change and improved safety performance.
Clients include Newmont, Monadelphous, Loy Yang, QGC, Watpac and Thiess Mining, in addition to 20+ mining services and infrastructure groups that work onsite in the mining industry.

This mature industry with an emphasis and focus on safety from the highest levels is now starting to ask What’s next?
Safety Dimensions is fortunate to be working with some of the key players in constructing new LNG sites and have worked with leaders first hand to uncover some the endemic issues that face a mature system, that still seems to fail at times.
The introduction of advanced behavioural agreements on what good looks like’ has enabled our work to unfold into tangible outcomes required at all levels including project management, construction, operation and maintenance.
The successfully entrenched compliance focus of this industry is well documented, yet Safety Dimensions brings unique approach, we can take the fear factor out of behaviour choice by asking deeper questions to uncover what could go wrong and to search for early warning indicators such as cultural clues, rather than high potentials or near misses.
All leaders require the next level of understanding in human factors and how to apply this to contractors and all employees; Safety Dimensions is pleased to be at the forefront of this now sought-for understanding of culture and people and why they behave the way they do.

For the past six years, Safety Dimensions has applied its unique approach to the rail industry, where safety is recognised and aligned with WHS standards and our leadership framework. This process enables integration into current practices and aligns with best practice of human factors and behavioural safety.
Our work in this area includes design of RTO training packages, frontline supervision, strategic safety with executive teams and leadership of projects including construction, maintenance, operations and third party providers.
As technology increases and the infrastructure projects keep expanding, this industry keeps moving ahead with many innovations in stock and plant. The people factors are still elements that need constant focus, specifically on how to work and avoid injury at all levels. This is where we primarily focus our attention, and it has resulted in several very successful interventions.

Safety Dimensions has worked closely with transport companies across Australia, particularly focusing on the ever increasing regulatory requirements of this industry and the issues that concern distribution centres, mobile workers and loading/unloading.
We find the most rewarding element of our work in this industry is to create pathways for companies to manage workers who are not closely supervised. Working under increasing pressure can be a recipe for many safety issues, and hidden risks and hazards we find in distribution centres/storage companies, where traditionally poor relationships exist with a strong them and us’ dynamic, need addressing.
Over the past 12 months, Safety Dimensions has worked closely with us to deliver a tailored safety leadership program to all levels of our business. During this time, we have seen a significant improvement in our safety attitudes and behaviours, which has resulted in a 33% reduction in our Lost Time Injuries and a 42% reduction in our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate over 12 months.
General Manager, large transport company

Safety Dimensions has extensive experience working with the utilities sector having partnered with key suppliers of Gas, Electricity and Water throughout Australia. Our experience includes partnering with utility providers at all levels of business operations; from mining and power generation, distribution, service and maintenance, through to the corporate and retail service divisions. Furthermore, we understand the challenges facing contractors and suppliers to the utilities sector and have vast experience in assisting such organisations build robust systems, processes to ensure long-term successful partnerships.
We understand the unique challenges associated with the utilities sector and specialise in the design and implementation of Safety Leadership, Behavioral Based Safety and Cultural Change initiatives that deliver long term cultural change and improved safety performance.

Safety Dimensions has extensive experience working with the Australian Water Industry and its partners, service providers and specialist contractors. From major metropolitan water corporations, through to smaller regional water corporations and construction, waste management and engineering companies; we understand the unique challenges associated with working in this, often complex, and diverse work environment.
Safety Dimensions specialises in the design and implementation of Safety Leadership, Behavioral Based Safety and Cultural Change initiatives in the water industry. We work with our clients diagnose the gap, and develop highly customised solutions that are proven to achieve sustained (safety) cultural change. We help you to ensure frontline leaders take personal ownership of safety, are proactive in addressing unsafe behaviours and lead by example.
We have implemented a safety leadership program for an organisation who built two multi-billion dollar desalination plants over three years. Their training and commitment to safety resulted in no major injuries and low lag indicators.
Furthermore, we work with you to help frontline workers understand that safety is as everyone’s responsibility, not simply that of the safety team or supervisors. Our success speaks for itself and we invite you to speak with our clients who will testify to effectiveness of our approach. Our clients have seen dramatic improvements within their organisations, not only in terms of safety performance, but also employee engagement, reporting, communication and more.
We are proud of the many alliances, joint ventures and partners in this industry that have invested in their safety performance, with over 5,000 leaders in this industry having attended our programs.