The Safety Dimensions Blog

The Alarming Cost Of Stress

The Alarming Cost Of Stress

Safe Work Australia reports that the costs of mental stress-related claims in Australia is more than $10 billion per year. And it is estimated that the effects of stress on those who are at work but not performing to their potential costs Australian businesses a...

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Dealing With Stress Programs

Dealing With Stress Programs

Dealing With Stress Programs Stress comes in many forms, sometimes positive and useful for peak performance and sometimes counterproductive when built up over a period of time. Stress shows up as higher absenteeism, higher workcover claims, poor performance, bullying...

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How do you support workers to understand complex regulations?

Over the past few years, many organisations operating in highly complex and regulated environments (agriculture, construction and forestry) have identified that areas of non-compliance are directly related to the complexity of the legislation, regulations and codes...

New programs: Diversity & Inclusion, Time Management and Leading Through Change.

Our newest programs Diversity & Inclusion, Time Management and Leading Through Change can be delivered either face-to-face at your workplace or via our live instructor-led interactive online platform, LDN-i. Diversity & Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion in the...

5 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Winning Tenders

What does it take to win large pieces of work? At Safety & Leadership Dimensions, we work closely with companies in their tender process and often get asked to partner on large tenders as part of their winning tender team. Here's what we see makes a successful...

Work-related traumatic injury fatalities Australia

Tragically, 194 people were fatally injured at work in 2020. Safe Work Australia has published the Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities Australia 2020 report, a report that provides statistics about injury-related deaths arising from work-related activities. While...

Vic Employers – Labour-hire workers now considered employees under amended OHS Act

 In September 2021, new laws passed the Victorian parliament to ensure that labour-hire workers have the same rights and safety protections as other workers. The Occupational Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2021 (the Act) amends the Occupational...

What Do Van Halen & Brown M&M’s Have To Do With Safety?

Van Halen's Brown M&Ms - Their Key To Rock and Roll Safety There's a long tradition of musicians and actors adding absurd demands to their performance contracts just because they could. Van Halen, the American hair rock band of the ™80s was infamous for this...

Work-related fatigue: a guide for employers from WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe Victoria has produced a guide on how to prevent workplace injuries to employees. According to the guide, "Fatigue is an acute and/or ongoing state of exhaustion that leads to physical, mental or emotional exhaustion and prevents people from functioning safely...

5 tips for working successfully with subcontractors

Organisations are increasingly including subcontractors in their internal training, so everyone is aligned under a single Health & Safety framework. Not only is this beneficial for alignment of safety behaviours, but from a WHS compliance perspective, you have a...

Undertaking a COVID-19 Risk Assessment for your workplace

Have you undertaken a current risk assessment to identify the risks associated with exposure to COVID-19 in your workplace? Safe Work Australia has published a downloadable checklist you can follow with the key considerations for identifying risks and control...

7 tips for keeping your remote working team safe and engaged

What does ˜work™ look like for you and your team in this current situation? If your team is working remotely or combining work in the office with work from home, there may be a lack of certainty about when we may all be able to return to work as we knew it, and when...