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Client: A division of a Queensland government transport group – Case Study 1
Key Focus & Program Delivered
Safety Leadership and Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety
Description of Services
Safety Dimensions was approached directly by the GM of the organisation who was particularly concerned about the current Health and Safety culture of the department. After a series of meetings with the GM and his direct reports, the department agreed on a vision and strategy designed to build personal accountability for safe practices with the end result of significantly building a culture of proactivity and mindfulness as well as decreasing LTIs and high potential incidents.
The primary product was the 3 day accredited Safety Leadership Foundation Program for all leaders in the department.
Number and levels of learners
The strategy built by the core leadership group was to focus attention on the supervisors and managers of the department -including contractors and JV partners. Their philosophy was that by starting with this group, there would be an immediate and strong impact at the sharp end’.
When a new GM was appointed, his edict, based on his personal experience of the program as a participant, and his observation of the outcomes to date, was to continue with the strategy and to support the growing maturity of the culture. He expanded the offering to the full Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety which extended the skills of supervisors and managers to include elements such as:
- Risk Assessment
- Incident Investigation
- Effective Consultation and Communication
- Participating in Health and Safety Committees
- Subcontractor Management
- Work Health and Safety Self-Assessment and Auditing
As the number of qualified and effective leaders grew at the front-line in areas such as bridge works, line marking, and road construction and maintenance particularly, the business then focused on other leaders and business units in order to ensure full consistency of thinking and aligned behaviours.
To date, 2,655 learners have attended the program.
What our client said about the outcomes:
“Over the past 12 months, Safety Dimensions has worked closely with (our organisation) to deliver a tailored safety leadership program to all levels of (our) business. During this time, we have seen a significant improvement in our safety attitudes and behaviours, which has resulted in a 33% reduction in our Lost Time Injuries and a 42% reduction in our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate over 12 months.
It’s quite apparent to me that the safety leadership program has directly improved our safety performance. I have witnessed people across all areas of (our business) taking individual accountability for their safety and that of those around them and changing their behaviours accordingly, and I am heartened by this.
Source: Department General Manager.
Client : An International Airline
Key Focus & Program Delivered
Senior Leadership Intensive Masterclass, 2 day Supervisors/Safety Leaders Program and Train the Trainer.
Description of Services
Safety Dimensions was engaged to design and deliver behavioural safety training to the leadership of a major international airline. The process was initiated through a series of discussions with senior executive stakeholders (SES Level) to ensure that the right messages, cultural fit and approach were taken in the design, development and delivery.
Once this had been agreed, an initial Senior Leadership intensive Masterclass was undertaken to ensure that they knew the science behind the program content and its design, how they could best support the program and how to engage in safety conversations with participants prior to and after they had attended a 2 day Supervisors/Safety Leaders program.
Part of the desire of the senior leadership team was to ensure that any program initiated would be sustainable and not reliant on an ongoing use of external trainers and consultants. Therefore, whilst Safety Dimensions facilitators were initially responsible for core delivery to meet the timetable required to educate and skill up leaders from across the business, we were also building a selection criteria for internal members of the airline to become internal facilitators of the program. This involved the delivery of a Train the Trainer program combined with ongoing coaching support, co-facilitation of programs for those requiring more confidence and then accreditation to train solo.
The shift in delivery responsibility was closely monitored by the airline and Safety Dimensions to ensure participant reaction and satisfaction remained at the same high levels experienced by those attending our facilitator-led programs. This provided a sustainable solution for the airline as the global air transport market became increasingly competitive.
Evidence of how the outcomes supported individual and organisational capability development/change:
Those chosen to become internal facilitators of the program remarked in many different situations on the value they received from the process of development and the ongoing delivery of the program. Since they also retained their full time roles, they believed that the training and the delivery of the program gave them an increased opportunity to understand the airline culture and operation at a level they would not normally have experienced.
Safety Dimensions continues to provide updates which are integrated into the materials under a licensing agreement so we obtain regular feedback on the ongoing efficacy and relevance of the program in the workplace. The program has now also been revised and implemented into other educational forums including inductions for all new leaders, as well as part of the leadership development program and general employee inductions. These programs were designed and reviewed under our guidance to ensure that the ethos and practicalities of the content and materials were not lost in translation’.
Participant feedback from internally delivered programs is still showing that the standards and behavioural changes around which the program was originally built have been maintained at well above average levels.
What our client said about the outcomes:
We partnered with Safety Dimensions (SD) to deliver a Safety Leadership Program that equipped all staff in leadership roles to engage in i.L.E.A.D. conversations relating to at risk behaviours’. This involved over 2000 staff who are leaders from Senior Executives to Leadhands.
Safety Dimensions trained internal facilitators who co-facilitated with them until they were competent and confident to facilitate. The Safety Dimensions facilitators were exceptional in positioning the team of internal facilitators to facilitate to a high standard. The workbooks that were developed and customised to individual business areas is a resource that we continue to use in the induction of new leaders.
This program has assisted our airline to continue to improve in its safety journey and has enabled the company to take the next step in achieving its vision of zero harm in the workplace.
GM Safety & Employee Wellbeing, Major International Airline