Consulting & Coaching
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For over 30 years LDN and Safety Dimensions have been helping organisations bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be.
We often have clients come to us with a challenge they just can’t pin point the root cause of. They’ve had all the safety training, but near misses and accidents still occur. For the most part, the issue comes down to culture, leadership, management or staff – i.e. people.
Most organisations benefit from a ‘birds-eye view’ of their organisation from an external consultant who can observe what’s working, what isn’t and pinpoint the underlying culture that’s creating your current results.
We then distil what we’ve observed into building and facilitating solutions that help transform your organisations way approaching safety and leadership so you can achieve your organisational outcomes. We are specialists in human behaviour and learning, so we bring this insight and experience to your problem, and in partnership we’ll work out a way to fix the issues systemically and provide you with solutions not only stand the test of time, but enrich your organisation.
You’ll be able leverage the lessons we’ve learned from working with Australasia’s leading organisations to get strategic and practical advice and support which will help you short-cut trial and error, access the best in safety leadership practice and most importantly – help get your people home safe every day.
We understand for sustained behaviour and culture change to occur – we need to engage and shift perception and behaviour in the following ways.
Mindset – a shift in mindset is the first step in change
Attitude – once the mindset is aligned with the new approach, the person’s attitude is next to shift
Behaviour – identifying gaps in behaviour and the willingness to learn new skills is essential to change
Habit – once a new behaviour is learned it needs to be embedded into our daily routine’ to become an unconscious habit
Change – Once these four things have occurred, change is possible, change is probable and change is sustainable.
This approach underpins all our consulting, coaching design and delivery.
In our experience, we know that what happens before and after the training takes place is what makes the difference. Safety Dimensions puts a strong focus on pre-engaging the learner before the program and supporting learners post their program to embed the skills they’ve learned. This means learners come to the program prepared and engaged and the impact of training is sustained into the future, delivering you a high return on your investment.