Daily Review - LXRP
Thanks for participating in the LXRP BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety program.
Using the form below take some time to share reflections and press submit’ at the end.

From our blog
Leading change: How leaders can foster the embrace of change
From the chrysalis, the beautiful butterfly is born. From the acorn, the mighty oak grows. Change is one of the few certainties in your life. It can be unexpected. It can feel disorientating and unwelcome, it creates disruption and pushes us out of our comfort zones....
New Family and Domestic Violence leave entitlements, from August 2018
In response to an increasing focus on reducing domestic violence, new leave entitlements are set to take effect from 1 August 2018 to enable all employees, including casuals, to be entitled to 5 days’ unpaid leave to deal with family and domestic...
Five lessons in leadership from the Thai cave rescue mission
What does the successful Thai cave rescue mission teach us about leadership? Plenty. It's a gripping story of how a desperate team pursued outcomes against a rapidly ticking clock and overcame insurmountable odds to achieve their goal. The world held its...
How the design and delivery of your training program matters
Ever attended a training program that didn't flow or in which you felt confused or bored? Instead of being inspired by the content and taking in new information, you're watching the clock and wishing that people would stop dragging out the day by asking...
The link between WHS & your bottom line
Evidence shows that organisations who invest in health and safety culture have a competitive advantage. A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine looked at the financial growth of public companies that scored highly in the...
Safety programs needs hearts and minds to succeed
One of the most difficult things about creating a strong safety culture is engaging the hearts and minds of everyone in your organisation to take ownership of safety - regardless of their title or job function. Even with excellent systems and processes and...