Learner Satisfaction Survey - LXRP

Thanks for participating in the LXRP BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety program. We’d love your feedback via our learner satisfaction survey.

Safety Dimensions is committed to ensuring that the learning you undertake is relevant and meets the needs of individuals and LXRP.

We also want to continually improve the programs we deliver.


Program Evaluation LXRP

After considering the following questions, please check your preferred response based on this scale:

1 Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly Disagree
4 Slightly Agree
5 Agree
6 Strongly Agree

Prior To Training

Remember: 1= Strongly Disagree - 6 = Strongly Agree

Your Facilitator

The Content and Materials

The Assessment

Logistics & Setup

The Outcome

The following questions are optional; however, they will assist Safety Dimensions to make further improvements to the program.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Should you have any queries regarding the training that you have undertaken, please call 03 9510 0477.

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From our blog

Retro Office Safety Training Video

Although the fashions have long gone, and thankfully many of the behaviours in the workplace have changed, this video still addresses the following topics which are just as relevant today as when "You and Office Safety!" was made: ¢ Good Housekeeping ¢ Slips, Trips...

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Safety – What are you accountable for?

Workplace Safety : what are you accountable for? What are you accountable for when it comes to the safety of your workplace? Managing partner of Safety Dimensions, Louise Quinn explores these questions. Fixed Link: http://youtu.be/2-bLNKlecyo

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Geelong builder fined for bullying teen apprentice

A Geelong builder who repeatedly bullied his teenage apprentice over a two-year period was last week convicted and fined $12,500 in the Geelong Magistrates’ Court. Wayne Allan Dennert, of Bell Post Hill, pleaded guilty to one rolled-up charge under the 2004 OHS Act of...

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Companies fined $1.5m after man dies in rig collapse

Two companies were fined a total of $1.5 million in the Supreme Court last week over the death of a worker who fell 40 metres when a piling rig collapsed at a Melbourne construction site in 2011.   A guilty verdict was found in 2015 against Frankipile Pty Ltd and...

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