Safety programs needs hearts and minds to succeed

Safety programs needs hearts and minds to succeed

One of the most difficult things about creating a strong safety culture is engaging the hearts and minds of everyone in your organisation to take ownership of safety – regardless of their title or job function. Even with excellent systems and processes and an...
What makes good adult learning?

What makes good adult learning?

We work everyday with large companies with diverse groups of learners and talk a lot about what makes good adult learning. How do you build and facilitate really great learning experiences? It’s common to have group of learners in our training who work on the...
Financial Fundamentals – Making Sense of the Numbers

Financial Fundamentals – Making Sense of the Numbers

œUnderstanding the numbers often creates a feeling of dread in leaders who are experts in their field, but haven't come from a financial background. From understanding budgets, profitability and financial jargon, the ability and confidence to understand the œmoney...
Low Near Miss Reporting – Good Sign or Failure?

Low Near Miss Reporting – Good Sign or Failure?

Ready to train your people in hazard identification and risk management?We have a range of programs that will train your people in hazard identification and risk management which we can tailor specifically to your industry organisational needs. Training can be taken...