As commuters shimmy past large, lumbering trucks on the road, they may glance over and wonder, “How safe is that driver next to me?” If the truck driver is in poor health, the answer could be: Not very. Commercial truck drivers with three or more medical...
These are the characteristics of people most likely to cut corners at work Peter O’Connor, Queensland University of Technology and Peter Karl Jonason, Western Sydney University In a newly published study, we found that employees who cut corners tend to...
Dropping like flies: the rise of workplace burnout and how to tackle it Sarah Tottle, Lancaster University Burnout is on the rise. It is a growing problem for the modern workplace, having an impact on organisational costs, as well as employee health...
A Geelong builder who repeatedly bullied his teenage apprentice over a two-year period was last week convicted and fined $12,500 in the Geelong Magistrates’ Court. Wayne Allan Dennert, of Bell Post Hill, pleaded guilty to one rolled-up charge under the 2004 OHS Act of...
The New York Subway Signs Experiment (Video) In NYC, subway conductors have to point at a black and white sign to prove that they’re paying attention. They do it at every hour, at every stop, so a group of commuters decided to make their day.